Tree Installation

Tree Installation Service Perth

Screening Trees WA can also install the trees you purchase from us!

Our highly skilled and experienced team can assess your existing soil and make suggestions as to how to improve it, recommend modifications to existing reticulation systems and provide ongoing advice and maintenance guidance to ensure your purchase has the best start possible and thrives for years to come!

All trees installed by Screening Trees WA will be planted in a specific custom blended soil by Cwise.


Our highly skilled and experienced team can assess your existing soil and make suggestions as to how to improve it, recommend modifications to existing reticulation systems and provide ongoing advice and guidance to ensure your purchase has the best start possible and thrives for years to come!

All trees installed by Screening Trees WA will be planted in a specific to ensure success.

All soil installed are is 100% CERTIFIED ORGANIC fully composted, high humus, friable, earthy compost and full of beneficial microbes. It improves plant nutrition and fights disease, improves soil health, building soil fertility, providing plant nutrition, and disease suppression.

Tree Installation

Each tree will be installed in a hole double the size of the tree’s bag. The tree will be installed with a minimum 2 bags (60 liters) of Humicarb compost and custom tree blend fertiliser (blend will depending on the trees’ requirements) applied at the time of planting. We will remove the excess sand, water the tree in and clean up any mess created in the process. A custom maintenance schedule will be provided to ensure the trees are cared for. 

Premium Tree Installation

Each tree will be installed in a hole double the size of the tree’s bag. The tree will be installed with a minimum 2 bags (60 liters) of Humicarb compost, Biochar, Clay, Zeolite and premium 8-12 month control release fertiliser (blend will depending on the trees’ requirements) applied at the time of planting. We will remove the excess sand, water the tree in and clean up any mess created in the process. A custom maintenance schedule will be provided to ensure the trees are cared for. 

After installation the trees may require to be staked to protect them from harsh winds and ensure they maintain their shape until they establish.

Want to know more about Cwise products – click on the following link for more information:

Contact us for more information about our installation services.